Where it All Began
It wasn’t until the age of 14 that I witnessed a mountain range for the first time or anything more than rolling hills for that matter. I can remember it vividly, the plane was inbound to Seattle, WA from my prior childhood home in Wichita, KS on a picturesque summer evening back in 2006. Sitting there gazing out the window seat was Mount Rainier in all its glory. I was in awe by what beauty this new landscape brought and all the future opportunities that it would hold. If you had told me then that one day I’d be standing on top of that mountain, I would have doubtfully shaken my head replying “no way…”. Fast forward to July of 2018, I had the opportunity to come full circle and seize that moment by standing 14,410’ at the summit.
Now it doesn’t mean one would have to wait over a decade to achieve a goal but more so set out milestones along the way working towards that larger picture. Conquest Overland would be a direct result of such actions. When I first began exploring the incredible Pacific Northwest by no means did it begin at the summit of a mountain top. These experiences and weekend adventures initially set out as day hikes all over the state of Washington. From the vast terrain of the Olympic Peninsula to the towering mountains and lakes of the North Cascades to the snow capped peak of Mount Rainier, I’ve been very fortunate to call these landscapes home. Though the conclusion of each trip always left the feeling of wanting more. To venture further off the beaten path, to challenge myself and learn more, to live a life filled with adventure and purpose. It was from here that I soon found myself completely enveloped in what was called “overlanding”. While the meaning can carry multiple perspectives, ultimately it is a self-reliant form of travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal.
I remember early on during every lunch break at work I’d jump on YouTube and catch up on the latest episodes of all my favorite channels showcasing this overland lifestyle (still do to this day). The inspiration while watching was something I’d never felt before, experiencing the outdoors and engaging with communities from all over the world was something I aspired to take on. So I did what many start off with first, getting a reliable vehicle that I could count on while being endless miles away from the nearest town. It was in October 2017 that I received the keys for my newly purchased vehicle, a Toyota Tacoma that soon after took on the name Yeti after the creature who lives in the high mountains.
With working a full time job and having allocated vacation days, my dreams of month long world wide excursions would need to be largely placed on the back burner. From early on and still to this day, a large majority of my travels surround a 48 hour weekend window. When compared to those I watched on YouTube, I found weekend adventures to still provide that sense of fulfillment even if home was only a few hours away. It was from these weekend trips I drove endless miles all throughout National Forests, National Parks, BLM land, etc experiencing sights that were not on the usual list for many. From here I was able to learn and continue refining skills for this type of travel. Everything from the right gear to use, vehicle maintenance and organization, trip planning, etc. of which would soon bring me to my latest endeavors of sharing these adventures on a platform and channel I’d soon call Conquest Overland.
March 2019 was the official start of Conquest Overland and putting these weekend travels into short documentary episodes that would not only help educate but also inspire others to get out of their comfort zone by taking on a life of adventure creating lasting memories of their own. Since that time, it has been incredible to grow and connect with a community that all shares a same passion and goal. Whether you have only a day or weeks on end, all that matters is you’re getting out and creating memories that will last a lifetime. My goal is to continue expanding this community and hopefully one day take our travels to larger scale opportunities further outside the Pacific Northwest and surrounding regions. Who knows, our paths just may cross out on the trail!
Safe travels,
Michael Guagliardo